
Most Open Access publications apply a Creative Commons license to specify rights and permissions associated with the article, building on copyright. Maples Scientific Publisher articles are distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0).

Open Access articles in Maples Scientific Publisher Journals are published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC BY) license.

Copyright Terms

The copyright of Open Access articles is retained by the authors. Authors grant an exclusive unlimited license to publish the article under a Creative Commons License and identify Maples Scientific Publisher as the original publisher. Submission of an article for publication implies the authors’ consent to publication under the applicable Creative Commons License and the terms and conditions of the Publisher’s Licensing Agreement.

Open Access Charges and Funding

In contrast to subscription journals, in which readers or libraries pay to access content, Open Access is generally enabled by a one-time fee, the Article Processing Charge (APC). The APC is usually paid by institutions, funders, or authors upon acceptance of a paper. For articles in Open Access journals and Open Access articles in Transformative Journals, the APC is the only charge levied. In hybrid journals, Open Access articles can be published by selecting Author’s Choice.

Finding Funds for Open Access

There are several possibilities to find funds for Open Access publication.

  • Many institutions have Open Access agreements that cover APCs.
  • A growing number of libraries and institutions have an Open Access fund to pay for APCs. The Open Access Directory lists some major institutions with such publication funds, and authors can contact their institutions or libraries to ask about the options.
  • If you are the recipient of a grant, your funder may pay for or reimburse you for APCs. Check your funder’s policies or contact your funding body to learn more.
  • Some journals, known as Platinum or Diamond Open Access, do not levy APCs as costs are paid by a sponsoring organization.
  • If none of the above resources are available, authors from low-income and lower-middle-income countries may be eligible for an APC waiver or discount.

Other authors who do not have the means to pay an APC can also apply for waivers or discounts by requesting one when submitting their papers. Note that authors wishing to apply for a waiver must do so during the submission process to avoid delays in the event that the article is accepted.

Requests made during the review process or after acceptance are unlikely to be considered. Information about waiver requests is not disclosed to the editors or reviewers and does not affect the decision of whether to accept the manuscript. Waivers are not offered for Open Access publication via Author’s Choice as authors without funds to publish Open Access in these journals can publish via the subscription route.